

Welcome To The Vixen Owners' Association Inc.

When the Vixen Motor Company closed down in 1989, it left people who had bought the marvelous machine without a source of technical support or parts. That fact caused the formation of the Vixen Owners' Association (VOA). The purpose of the association was to provide mutual technical support and to make available social opportunities to meet other owners. That it accomplished its mission is attested by the vibrant nature of the current organization after 24 years of operation.

In fact, owners say the machines are better now, both mechanically and from a comfort standpoint, than when they first arrived from the factory. A large part of this is due to the mutual interchange of information, and the availability of parts and mechanical services from a private organization. This situation has resulted in the value of the vehicle holding at a much higher level than is indicated in the "Blue Book".

The VOA has increased communication between members through its newsletter, Fox Prints, a web site with an electronic forum for posting technical questions and answers, and through the face-to-face interaction at the rallies which are called "Prides". This latter is done both formally, in technical sessions, and informally through site visitation and conversation. Additionally, two video tapes have been produced which give primary maintenance information for the two main types of vehicles. The back issues of the newsletter (from the beginning through the current issue) are available on compact disc. The electronic forum is a valuable resource for obtaining answers to perplexing technical questions, and for getting these answers promptly.

Another very important part of the VOA is the social interaction of members from the US, Canada, England, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Chile. Through the one Annual Meeting, and at least three regional "Prides", plus several more informal meetings called "Den Meetings", owners have developed friendships which make the organization more akin to an extended family. Owners feel free to call upon other members in the area when traveling, and this has often led to a solution for mechanical or other problems. The regional Prides have been held in various parts of the country: from Toronto to Galveston, Key West to San Diego, Oregon to Boston and similar places in the US. The Annual Meeting is usually more in the center of the US, but sometimes deviates a bit. There have been Annual Meetings in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Cave City, Kentucky; Nashville and Sevierville, Tennessee. for example. The Den Meetings are usually a smaller group who get together for the fun of it, most often in Florida, Texas, and California. In all cases, there is a volunteer host who makes the campground, food, travel and entertainment arrangements. Members pay a fee to cover the costs.

The VOA is governed by the membership through a Board of Directors, elected at the Annual Meeting. All positions of the Board and Staff are volunteer. Dues are moderate, recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership. Currently, paid members receive eleven issues of the newsletter a year, access to all meetings and rallies, access to the Forum, access to the technical expertise developed over the years, access to the rosters of current members, voting rights, and the indefinable peace of mind of knowing you are not alone.

The VOA is a diverse cross section of the population. There are representatives of all strata of economic and social status, education, religion, race, abilities and temperament. All are on a first name basis. We would be delighted to have you join us and experience the wonder of the organization and the Vixen.

Contributors to this page: admin .
Page last modified on Sunday April 24, 2011 09:34:16 EDT by admin.