
Two Methods to Join the VOA

1. Snail Mail Method

Download the application, fill it out and mail to the address on the application with the payment.

Click here to download the Application (PDF format) which you can print, fill out and mail with your check

2. Electronic Method

You can do it electronically, directly through Pay Pal?or through PayPal?using your Credit card. PayPal will except your credit card without your having a PayPal?account.

2.1 Fill out a member information form which will be sent electronically to the VOA.

2.2 Go to PayPal's secure site for the financial transaction.

2.3 Once PayPal?notifies the VOA that the transaction has been successful, you'll be enrolled as an active VOA member and receive your user ID and password for access to the full Web site.

Click here to pay for subscription electronically


Dues for VOA membership year which run from July 1, of one year to June 30, of the next year are $25.00.
Dues are not prorated: Membership dues received during the last three months of a membership year take effect immediately and include the following membership year. That means if you paid in April, May or June your good until June the next year.

Name tags, to be worn at meetings that include your vin number are available for $10.00 each.

Note: Depending on the work load of our volunteer secretary and treasurer, PayPal?may be a lot faster.

Contributors to this page: admin .
Page last modified on Sunday June 21, 2015 05:57:33 EDT by admin.